October 10-11, 2024 / Tokyo - Japan
face to face and online participation alternatives
Tokyo, Japan will be the host of the Tokyo 7th International Innovative Studies of Contemporary Scientific Research Congress. Taking place on the October 10-11, 2024 the first serie of this conference was successfully completed in Tokyo in 2017. Since then Tokyo conferences have been regulary organized.
This time we feel excited to announce 9th serie.
Tokyo Summit is an open forum that unites the global academic community. From publication opportunities, to poster presentations, to keynotes and practical workshops – Conference aims to push the field of engineering, technology and science forward by facilitating honest conversations on the most pressing issues.
If you join the event, you are guaranteed to walk away inspired and invigorated. We believe that a well-rounded event experience is not limited to lectures and formal discussions.
The previous rounds were held in Tokyo, Japan...

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline
September 25, 2024
Payment & Registration until
by September 29 , 2024
Program Announcement
October 4, 2024
In Person Presentation in Tokyo
October 11, 2024
Online Presentations via Zoom
October 10-11, 2024
Full text submission deadline for proceedings book
October 12, 2024
Congress proceedings book issuing day
October 20, 2024
What makes a successful conference ?
"Tokyo Kongresi"
Participants' Feedbacks
Dear Sir,
First of all, I offer my respects and wish you a healthy day. I congratulate you for your successful management in the Tokyo SUMMIT CONGRESS PROGRAM process.
Thank you very much .
I was very pleased and benefited a lot from the conference. Really it was excellent thank you for your effort with us.
Best regards,
Ala Dara abdul Majed.
Koya UNIversity, Faculty of Education, Kurdish Department, Koya – Arbil , Iraq.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to YOU!
I' m happy, that You allowed me to participate in the TOKYO SUMMIT. I'm proud to communicate with YOU.
I wish You the best.
Assoc. Prof. Maya Kupravishvili
Dear Sir,
I am very happy and honored to attend the 4th Tokto Summit and to be the chairman of the session. I would like to thank you and the entire organizing committee for organizing a very productive and effective congress.
We would like to attend your next congresses as well. I would like to thank you again for your prompt communication, kindness and assistance both before and during and after the congress.
Best regards,
F. Oben ÜRÜ, Ph.D.
Associate Professor